I am smart
I am hardworking
I easily pass all my classes with perfect grades
School is just so easy for me
All my teachers love me
I am the perfect student
Everyone loves me
I am adored
I love school & have so much fun there
My classmates love me
I always know what i'm doing on assignments
I easily have perfect grades
I have a balanced work life schedule
I organize my time
I am immune to burnout
I am thankful my school is completely paid for
I am thankful to graduate from my dream school
I have perfect attendance because I enjoy school and all my classes
I get perfect scores on all my exams
I am academically driven
I easily memorize and retain knowledge
I have so many smart friends to study with
I am going on cute study dates with other academically gifted people
I am glowing up for school
Everyone is telling me how smart I am now
Everyone sees my hard working nature now
My teachers frequently compliment my work ethic
I am frequently rewarded for my academic achievements
I am proud to be who I am
Smart is the new cool
I can easily pass my exams even without studying
All of my exams are perfect scores
I am always prepared for school
I am always doing excellent on my assignments
I am joining my favorite extracurricular activity to unwind
I am so blessed to have the perfect academic life
I am thankful for the many awards I receive for my academic success
Isn’t it wonderful that school is a breeze for me?
Isn’t it wonderful that I am excelling now?
When people complain about school, I can’t relate
I am one of the most intelligent people to walk the face of the earth
People know me for my intelligence
People frequently tell me that I’m a genius
I enjoy having intellectual conversations above all
People are attracted to my genius
I am so skilled with everything I do
I am good at everything
I can sometimes be a know it all but people love it
I am confident in my intelligence
I am winning awards for my smarts now
I am one smart cookie
I am a genius
I am the reincarnation of all the greatest minds in history
I am so thankful to have such a beautiful mind
I am confident and witty
I am a master of the arts and sciences
I am mastering my mind now
I am meditating everyday to expand my awareness
I am highly self aware
I am accessing higher level thought now
I am accessing psychic perception now
I frequently impress people with my intelligence
I am the best problem solver ever
I am highly creative now
I am innovative and inventive now
I am research oriented now
I am a tech geek now
I am a science nerd now
I am an artistic genius now
I am a social genius now
I can easily read and empathize with other people
Even though I am highly logical, I also make lots of room for compassion
I am an expert in everything now
People are always asking me questions because they trust my intelligence
I have book smarts and street smarts
I am a well rounded person
I have so much knowledge about everything
I know everything about everything
I am humble with my intelligence, there is no need for me to brag
My intelligence shows itself without me trying
I am highly analytical now
I spend my time doing smart people things
I frequently wow myself & others with my genius
I am fully prepared for school
I am so thankful to be popular and loved
I am so thankful to have found a group at school where I fit in
I am so thankful to look good and feel good everyday at school
I am instantly clicking with other people at school