Dream Life Affirmations

I am stepping into my dream life now

I am living life on my terms

I am attracting experiences of great fulfillment now 

I am confident in myself and my ambitions

I am my number one biggest fan 

I am living the sweet life now

Life feels like a dream now 

The universe gives me everything I want now

My prayers are answered now

Life caters to my intentions now

I am wholesome 

I am fulfilled 

I can slow down now 

I am present now

I am finally at peace 

I am laughing now

I am joyous now

I am happily communing with loved ones now

I am seeing the beauty of life unfold now 

All my manifestations come into a fruition according to my will now

My ideal scenarios manifest now 

I am feeling extremely grateful now

I am feeling extremely satisfied now

Joy fills my being now

I am able to tune out negativity easily 

Life goes in my favor now

I am the creator of my reality

I am divinely inspired to take action in my life

I am feeling proud of my life 

I am feeling motivated to do good in the world

I am oozing gratitude 

I am living my picture perfect Pinterest life 

My Pinterest board is my reality 

I am seeing positive results from all other subliminals manifest now 

I am living my best life now

I am seeing my scripted life manifest now

I am seeing my affirmed life manifest now

I am waking up in my dream life everyday 

I am feeling free in my life 

I am feeling excitement in my life 

I am financially able to support my dream life 

My dream life is reality now

All the things I’ve ever wished for are mine now

I am so abundant now

My life right now is what I’ve always dreamed of

I am in love with my life 

I have the best and most supportive system 

All my relationships are healthy and accepting 

Desired people are entering my life now

I am now the most attractive I’ve ever been 

I have achieved all my life goals

I am so healthy 

I am the healthiest I’ve ever been

My body shows me gratitude for the care I give it

I could not ask for a better life 

I am so grateful for everything I have and everything I ever will have 

I am so content and happy with my life 

I am seeing evidence of this subliminal working in my life now 

I am manifesting my dream life now

I am manifesting miracles now

I plan it and it happens

I will it and it happens

I am happy

I am loving myself

I have the lifestyle of my dreams

I have my desired body 

I live in the perfect home 

The world is my oyster

I feel good to be me each day 

I have success in all aspects of life

I am a winner

I am rich 

I am wealthy

Life is easy

Life is perfect 

Life always goes my way 

If I wish for it, it appears

If I plan it, it works

I have influence over my destiny

There are always opportunities in my life

I am simply breathing success

Everything I do is successful 

I have everything I desire and more 

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