Connect To Your Higher Self Affirmations

The following affirmations are bypassing my conscious mind and absorbing directly into my subconscious ways

I am seeing desired results from this subliminal instantly 

This subliminal opens me up to receive wisdom, guidance, and love from my higher self now

I am a spiritual being

I am seeing the spiritual nature of everything

I am understanding and utilizing my psychic abilities now

I am existing beyond the limitations of what is seen as ‘normal’

I am existing beyond the limitations of time/space

I always have free will

I am now aligned with my higher self, tuning into greater levels of knowledge and wisdom

I have absolute clarity as to what I should do

I am releasing any type of fear 

I am protected by my higher self

Every day, I am reaching higher states of consciousness

Every day, I tune deeper into myself

Every day, I become wiser and wiser

I believe in my authentic power 

I embody my authentic power 

I always have access to the divine energy of the universe 

I am a magnificent spiritual being having a unique human experience 

I am a radiant being filled with light and love 

I am always connected to the perfect love of the universe 

I am always connected with the infinite love of the universe 

I am an instrument of the Universal Spirit 

I am an integral part of the Universal Force

I am an integral part of Nature’s evolution

I am a steward of the Earth

I am easily being of service to my fellow human beings

By connecting to my higher self, I am doing my part to save the world

I am limitless

I am connected to the universal spirit 

I am aware of how everyone and everything is connected

I am connected to my higher self at all times

I am directly connected to infinite intelligence 

I am connected with my feelings

I am connected with the physical sensations of my body

I trust my hunches 

My intuitive guidance is always guiding me in the right direction

I am listening to intuitive messages I receive from my higher-self 

I notice the messages presented to me in my dreams

I am making my decisions wisely

My decisions in life meet my core needs

I listen to my intuition

I pay attention to the cues my body sends me

I am experiencing the glory that comes from connecting with my higher self

I am grateful for the insights and gifts I receive 

I am someone who is highly intuitive and deeply receptive to the wisdom of my higher self 

I appreciate and cherish my true essence 

I dissolve all limitations placed on me by others 

I am fully able to embody who I really am 

I am guided by the authentic, spiritual power I have within me 

All of the answers are within me 

My spirit is ready to connect with the infinite wisdom 

My higher self knows the way and I effortlessly tune into it now 

I embody my higher self and feel an infinite wellspring of authentic power rise up within me 

My life improves drastically as I become more in tune with my true essence 

I am naturally in tune with the source of infinite knowledge and abundance 

The energy of my higher self is creating miracles in my life 

The connection I have with my higher self is growing stronger each day 

I easily stay connected to my divine being and divine power 

I am effortlessly and gracefully integrating the energy of my higher self into my life 

An unbreakable link connects me to my higher being 

I am acknowledging the divine in myself and everything 

Connection with my inner spirit brings me constant peace and joy 

Every day I am becoming more of an enlightened being 

Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more empowered

I am spiritually empowered in every aspect of my life 

Spiritual zest flows abundantly through my being

I am regularly making time for quiet reflection and contemplation

I am tuning into the vitality of my breath 

I am easily letting go of activities, people, and things that do not align with my highest self

I am my higher self

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