I am detached.
I am balanced.
I am experiencing a healthy level of detachment from my desires.
I am free of need.
I am self sustained.
I am unbothered.
Unbothered is my state of being.
I am easily letting go of obsession.
I am seeing results of my detachment.
It is easy for me to let go when it feels right.
I am at ease with what is.
I am detached from outcomes now.
I am letting go of neediness.
I am confident in myself.
I am supporting myself.
I am self disciplined.
I am the best.
I am turning the focus on me.
I am focused on my goals.
I am drawing back my energy now.
I am cutting cords of obsession now.
I am replacing my obsessions with constructive thoughts.
OCD has zero effect on me.
I am embodying confidence.
I am putting myself on the pedestal now.
I am seeing my manifestations speed up rapidly.
I am seeing movement with my manifestation.
I am more confident in my manifestation ability.
I am getting what I want now.
I am seeing results of my detachment now.
I am full of pure love for myself and all things.
I can let go of attachment because it is already mine.
My feelings of obsession are magically gone now.
I am secure within myself.
I am self regulated.
I have developed a healthy attachment style.
I easily let go of any past disappointments.
I easily let go of things I cannot change.
I am easily leaving the past in the past.
I am getting up from this subliminal and moving forward with full confidence.
I am disconnected from all energy vampires now.
I am fully present in each moment.
I am enjoying my human experience.
I am free.